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Yellow Class

Our topic:  : Festivals, Shelter & Shade

Communication and Literacy

Our story this term will be ‘The Fairground’. We will explore the story using our senses. We will smell and taste sweet foods and listen to the sounds we may hear at a fairground. We will develop our communication skills through exploring and identifying colours, sounds and new vocabulary linked to our festival focus. We will also be working on symbol use and using pictures throughout the whole curriculum to communicate our wants and needs.


We will investigate the positions of objects, including putting things in and taking things out of containers in a range of real-life contexts. We will link parts our story to our cognition sessions, such as exploring colours and sorting/matching these. We will spend time in the ICT suite, exploring a range of resources and looking at how we can control a range of items, using switches, magic carpet and the sensory pod.


Working as part of a team, we will look to further improve our ball skills. We will practice passing and returning a ball to our peers, aiming for targets and use the skills proactively to partake in activities such as bowling and boccia.


We will continue to work hard on improving our interaction skills, with both familiar peers and staff and those who are new to our school. We will work alongside our peers through sharing and taking turns during a variety of motivating activities. During our cooking sessions, we will investigate using all of our senses - smells, tastes, touch and with a whole range of different foods.

 My World and Independence

We will be looking at a range of festivals across the world and things we will find there, taking note of the music, bright colours, food and all the fun of the fair! We will be visiting local parks within the community to see where a festival could be held. Whilst on our travels, we will also identify places of shelter/shade out in the community!

The Arts 

During our creative sessions, we will be mark making using different tools. Yellow class will design lots of festival-themed artwork such as crazy clown hair, paper plate lollipops and spiders’ webs for the Ghost Train! We will experiment with colour mixing through a range of hands-on activities!  We will be continuing our work with DARTS, playing a range of music with varied musical instruments and further developing our listening skills.

Yellow class Mission Statement 2023-24