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Post 16 - The Key


Towards Employment

In English we are working on our functional reading skills. We will be working on tour comprehension skills and developing an understanding of how to interpret information from text. This will be through reading a variety of texts including fiction, recipes, shopping lists, and poems. In maths pupils will be working hard on understanding money and time. We will be doing this in practical ways using problem solving skills and putting our knowledge into context.

Independent living

This term we will be focusing on how we use domestic appliances. We will continue learning about washing machines to increase our independence, whilst also learning how to safely use a toaster, kettle, oven and, for some pupils, an iron. We will also continue with our weekly cooking sessions where pupils will be working to make themselves healthy snacks and meals, cleaning up after themselves and using the correct utensils.

Community Inclusion

This term we will be continuing our travel training and focusing on being a pedestrian. Our weekly visits to the town centre will continue, alongside additional visits to local colleges and Post 19 providers to assist transition. Money skills will be a large focus of these visits, where pupils will have the opportunity to problem solve, use money in everyday settings and develop their understanding of a simple budget.


We will be learning about managing our own feelings and emotions. Our main focus will be on understanding anger, what makes us angry and how to manage that. Pupils will also be working hard on transitions and the feelings that come along with that. Year 14 pupils will complete transition activities and visits this half-term, and will work on processing this change. We will also continue with our work on physical fitness through basketball and yoga sessions..

Extended and Enriched

Pupils will have the option of crafts, music, forest schools or coding sessions every week. Most of us will be attending a residential visit (or even 2) this term. We will complete a range of outdoor pursuits activities, hiking and spend lots of time outside, appreciating the natural environment. Pupils remaining in school will have additional forest schools and outdoor learning sessions so that they also develop their wellbeing and link to outdoors. Through this will also be our Eco-schools work where we will continue to improve our environment.


In careers we will be continuing with some sessions with Andy from the DWP. We will continue to develop our teamwork skills and work on our communication to improve our ability to do so. In ICT, we will be looking at social media, the benefits and the dangers of this and how to keep ourselves safe online. We will look at jobs advertised online and how these applications work, and continue developing our confidence in using an email address.

The Key Mission Statement 2023-24