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Early Years

Topic: Winter - Polar Regions

and Ready Steady Grow!


Communication/Language & Literacy

In Communication, Language & Literacy, we will be working on our social interaction and making choices via our preferred method of communication. We will do daily communication sessions, use switches, signs, symbols and objects of reference and interact with our friends. Our key texts are: Penguin Small, Lost and Found and Jasper’s Beanstalk. We will also look at factual books about winter/spring and growing, as well as all aspects of Polar Regions; as well as developing our mark making skills.


In PSED we will look at how we can build on old and new relationships, interact with our friends and explore the engage with the wider school community. We will learn about personal hygiene and how we can manage our feelings and emotions, helping others and being kind, as well as keeping safe. We will learn about keeping active and eating well via our sensory baking/cooking sessions. We will also look at special days and festivals such as: Chinese New Year, Children’s Mental Health Week, Valentine’s Day and how we can celebrate these.

 Physical Development

In Physical development we will follow our postural management and MOVE programmes, as well as access different aspects of fine and gross motor skills via PE sessions in the hall and in soft play/sensory mat sessions. We will work on all our physical skills through our many different sessions in the day, as well as our free choice sessions, and look at ways in which we can challenge ourselves physically.

Mathematics / Cognitation

We will be looking at all aspects of maths especially focusing on counting songs, patterns, shapes, puzzle work, sorting and positional language linking many of these to our winter/early spring and polar regions, and ready, steady grow themes. We will do this in discrete sessions as well as in a cross curricula way both in the classroom, outside and around school.

Expressive Arts & Design

In Expressive Arts and Design: we will look at various aspects of music that illicit feelings about winter, polar regions, growing and different festivals. We will explore different genres of music such as winter/ festival music and make/play various musical instruments, as well as make choices, keeping the beat/rhythm with favoured counting songs and rhymes.                                                                

In Art and Design, we will create winter and polar animal pictures and explore doughs/clay and different media. We will also create different pictures around festivals, celebrations and growing things, by being creative with different everyday materials.

Understanding the world

In Understanding the World  we will be looking at aspects of winter and polar regions, and learning about aspects of plants and growing things via exploring our local community. We will look at different environments in the local area and the animals that live there; we will also explore and use everyday materials and see what we can create with these. This will be explored on a sensory level, through smells, touch, sounds etc, as well as via ICT, books, small world, role play and first hand experiences in our wildlife/sensory garden.

Early Years Mission Statement 2023-24